Articles on: Cloud PBX Phone System

How to modify a ring group

Ring groups are great to allow multiple handsets to be able to take/transfer calls. Usually the ring group consists of 3-5 phones that the inbound calls come in on.

When your phone system is setup, a ring group called "Main Ring Group" is created by vCloud and extension "000" (not emergency services number) is added to this group automatically.

You can add multiple extensions to the ring group, extensions are members. To modify the members in the ring group, follow these steps:

Log into your phone system management console, refer to article below:

Logging into PBX Management Console

Go to Ring Groups from the menu on the left

Click on the ring group "Main Ring Group", then select the Edit button

Once in the ring group settings, under the General section, there are some options you can modify, these are the Ring Strategy and Ring Time, see below:

Ring Strategy = Prioritised Hunt / Ring All
Ring Time = in seconds

Scroll down to Group Members, then press the add button

Select the member you would like to add to the ring group

Press OK

Updated on: 25/04/2024

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